Why Inner Light Healing?

As a child, I lived in a constant state of contradiction. I grew up within a religious institution and was raised to believe that my life’s purpose and mission here on earth was to serve God, and while this way of living came with many conditions, the one I often struggled with the most was the belief that my body was not my own. Sermons and lessons emphasized that it was a temple that needed to be honored, not necessarily for me, but to serve God and fulfill his plan for my life. I was not to give in to “fleshly desires” or anything that was not of him, which removed so much of my autonomy and left me with very little control over how I wanted to live my life.

I spent a majority of time during my upbringing so desperately wanting to fulfill this calling, and what I believed to be the reason I was placed on earth; however, I also found myself battling against the nature of being human and fighting against my intuition, which created a lot of confusion starting at a really young age.

I have always been a sensitive, emotional, and empathic person, but the things I felt and wanted to do as a child and teenager didn’t always align with my religious teachings. My internal world often felt “wrong” compared to what I was seeing and hearing around me, and because I didn’t have the words to voice what I was experiencing, my default coping mechanism was to numb and shut out everything I was feeling.

I was often labeled calm, quiet, and mature for my age - a “good girl” if you will - but realistically, I was just incredibly disconnected from myself. I experienced a lot of fear and anxiety that I hid under perfectionism and people-pleasing behaviors, and as I got older, it eventually morphed into high stress and burnout, indecisiveness, chronic fatigue and depression, and overall feeling lost and unable to trust myself to do what was best for me.

As I’ve gone through my own therapy and healing journey, and continue to do so, I’m learning what it means to reclaim my inner truth and wisdom, rather than constantly seeking and relying on answers externally. I have been finding what it means to come home to myself.

In doing this work, I hope to support others in their healing journey in whatever way that looks for them. Whether you’re new to therapy or looking to add onto the practices you’ve learned along the way; if you’re learning how to set boundaries or identify what you’re experiencing after years of suppressing your emotions; if you’re navigating anxiety, life transitions, relationship issues and/or trauma, I seek to offer a space that allows you to move deeper into your healing process and reconnect with your mind, body, and spirit in the context of whatever you believe.

The intention behind sharing my story is not meant to exclude anyone from working with me or focus too heavily on spiritualism; rather, it’s in an effort to be authentic and honest about what led me to becoming a therapist and the mental health challenges I’ve faced along the way, and to better connect with those I work with on a human level. While I enjoy integrating spiritualism and psychology, I will never force any approach or perspective on you that isn’t welcomed.